Sunday, January 9, 2011

Leaving Niseko

We're very sad to be leaving Niseko as it's been truly magical here. It hasn't stopped snowing since we arrived (6 days ago) and as a result there is more snow than everyone knows what to do with. Shop owners seem to be fighting a losing battle keeping the entrances to their shops clear and the footpaths and outdoor stairways now cease to exist all together!

Hirafu Village is a great little place, with many restaurants and bars to hang out in when you're not enjoying the slopes. It's so relaxed and the entire village seems to be run by Australians, so it's a really nice mix of Japanese and Western cultures here. Getting around is also no hassle - you can walk to most places and if you don't feel like walking there's always the free shuttle bus.

Mike has loved skiing in the powder snow and was really happy today when the lifts up to the peak of the mountain were finally opened. He hasn't had a chance to get up there until today because of the blizzard like conditions we've had here (one day was -20 with 35km/h winds). He says it's virtually untouched up there and skiing through the trees is especially amazing.

My snowboarding has come along in leaps and bounds. It's starting to feel a lot more natural and I've mastered the basics. I don't really fall over anymore and I've also (almost) conquered my fear of sliding off the chairlift! I've been down beginner, intermediate and advanced runs and absolutely love it! My favourite thing about snowboarding was being out there at night time. The visibility was a lot better with the lights and the snow covered trees look eerie! Also last night we virtually had one slope entirely to ourselves.

Our lodge 
The slopes at night

Mike's snow angel

My snow angel


  1. HI there the photos of snow are amazing!!! I would so love to be amomgst it all- how lucky you both are that there is constant snow -at Perisher this year it wqas pretty sad-and seeing these photos now really bring that home!
    Looking forward to seeing you both this Wednesday -cant believe you are heading home-as I am sure you cant either!!
    So much has happened and you have had such great adventures -and memories -and photos!
    Maybe we can have a slide night Mike!!
    Still raining and strong wind warnings out-what a prospect after Japan.
    See you both Wed morning at 6:25!!! Billy and I will be there!
    Love to you both

  2. Wow! So pretty! By the way your link to this post from Facebook failed but I moseyed over of my own accord! I think you made a snow dog bone rather than a snow angel! I am a bit scared of snow sports but you make it look fun. If you do get married in the snow I might even try to snow-board!
