Thursday, January 6, 2011

Way too much snow!

Last night and today there has been heavy constant snow and as a result the slopes (even the low beginner ones) are at least knee deep in powder, and some less traveled parts waist deep. These are great conditions for confident skiers/boarders, but for me it proved very difficult!

As I was riding my board would gradually start sinking and then stop, time and time again becoming bogged in very deep snow. It was pretty amusing, but also frustrating! Additionally my body was so unbelievably sore from all the hours I did yesterday. I don't think there is an inch of me that doesn't hurt in some way - even my toes!

This is a video of me trying very hard to move and then slowly getting bogged:

I took comfort in the fact that I wasn't the only one getting bogged, there were lots of people (probably also beginners) just lying in the snow having given up.

The conditions were just crazy today. The heavy snow fall caused a complete white out for most of the day and it was -10 degrees at the bottom of the mountain. After two runs I decided to take my achy body back to the lodge for a soak in the hot tub and a relaxing day reading.

Later on when Mike eventually returned we went out for Ramen and it sure was interesting trying to navigate the streets in this weather. I have never seen so much snow in my life! You only need to stand outside for two minutes and you become completely white. The footpath and the road have all blurred into one and any car left standing too long is buried within an hour or two.

Snow is so fun!

Mike ready to go!

Poor cars

Main street

At 4:00pm 

This is a car park and all those lumps were cars

Me making my way towards a hot ramen


  1. -10 is nothing!!! It was -16 at the bottom of the alps when Danny was snowboarding! Brrrrrrr! Glad you're having fun!

  2. Love the last photo of you - at the risk of sounding like Prince Phillip, you look a bit like you're turning Japanese yourself! xxx

  3. Hi Jacqui, Grandma and I have been reading your blog together with many smiles and giggles. This means that I can now pass on her message to you:

    "Dear Jacqui and Mike, congratulations to you both on your engagement. I saw Ann, John and Stuart this morning and they were also very pleased to hear your news. Your ring looks very pretty - see you when you get back. Lots of love from Grandma."
