Monday, January 10, 2011

Time to come home

Our journey from Niseko to Narita Airport was a very long one and least to say we were both a little bit cranky by the end of it. After a 5:00am wake up it went something like this - taxi, train, train, bus, plane, bus, shuttle bus. We were also randomly selected by a very polite police officer for a thorough security check at the airport.

We spent last night in the Hilton Narita, which is an airport hotel about an hour out of Tokyo. It seems we're the only people staying here who aren't either business travelers, pilots or flight attendants. Luckily we were able to stay here for free because of all the Hilton points Mike accumulated last year with his business trips to Montreal. Our flight isn't until 8:50pm and they've kindly extended our check out until 3:00pm, so we're spending the day reorganising our bags so as to incur the least amount of excess baggage charge!

Last night was the first English TV I've watched in a month and I was shocked to see the CNN World News' forty minute broadcast about the floods in Queensland. I knew it was bad, but I didn't know it was as horrific as it is. So it looks like we're coming home to a Brisbane that may well be half underwater. Our suburb isn't on the flood warning list though, thank goodness.

Well it's been an amazing holiday and I hope everyone has enjoyed reading my blog as much as I've enjoyed writing it. After 26 days though we're very much looking forward to getting home, picking up the cat and enjoying our new lounge (which is being delivered this week!).

1 comment:

  1. You have had an amazing trip. Be very careful sweetheart, there have been 8 or more deaths in QLD so far and Brisbane CBD is being evacuated right now. Better to lose possessions than yourself. Stay in Sydney if you need to, I'd love to see you. xxx
