Sunday, January 2, 2011

Beer, snow and ice

Sapporo is fantastic! It's cold, there's snow everywhere and it's home to my favourite beer. Sapporo is the capital of Hokkaido and Japan's fifth largest city. Interestingly, Sapporo is one of Japan's youngest cities and in 1857 the city's population stood at just seven people.

For our three nights in Sapporo we're staying at the Novotel, which is actually pretty cheap and includes a huge buffet breakfast each morning. After breakfast (which had everything from eggs, bacon and toast to rice porridge, pickles, salmon and miso) we walked through a large park next to the hotel which has its own frozen lake.

Looking out at the frozen lake

Danger danger! Yet there are still foot prints across the lake

Once we'd caught a train into the city centre (one stop) we were faced with an underground city. There is a maze of shops and food halls that all merge into each other and it becomes very confusing. It actually took a while to find a way to get outside. Which was a relief once we did because the difference in temperature between outside and inside is horrible. Outside today was -1 and inside shops, restaurants and stations it was at least 25.

First stop today was Odori park, which stretches twelve blocks and separates the city into North and South. Odori park is probably best known for the world famous Sapporo Snow Festival each February. In the park there is a TV tower with an observation deck which was closed today, but luckily it's open tomorrow, so we'll no doubt be up there then with the tripod in tow!

TV tower

We then went in search of the clock tower, which we'd read is the symbol of Sapporo. We were pretty surprised to find this relatively unassuming building, which looks more European than Japanese. The building was constructed in 1878 and they claim that the original clock mechanism still keeps accurate time today, making it the oldest working clock in Japan - fancy that!

After a coffee and cake break in one of the many many many gourmet food halls, we browsed through yet more snow gear shops so Mike could price ski poles and pants. There are some really amusing snow fashions here in Japan and they're so serious about it that a lot of shops have LCD screens featuring the latest styles on the catwalk. I'm looking forward to seeing all the outrageous outfit combinations when we're in Niseko. 

The most delicious sweet treat - called an 'omelette parfait'
Mohawk beanies!

For the girls!
For a late lunch we caught a bus to the Sapporo Beer Museum. This was a part of our trip we had both very much been looking forward to. Beer has been brewed in Sapporo since 1877 and the museum itself is a gorgeous old red brick factory building. Next to the museum is an atmospheric beer hall where you can eat and drink all you like! We spent a lot of time taking photos outside and frolicking around in the snow until we retreated into the very smoky BBQ and beer hall. We had the most amazing meal which we cooked ourselves on a hot grill in the centre of the table.

Old kegs outside

Me in front of the museum

As it started to get darker

Pouring with snow!

Inside the beer hall

Bib on and he doesn't know where to start!
Below is a video of our vegetables, lamb and salmon sizzling away on the grill. We've already decided to go back tomorrow night for dinner!


  1. AMAZING! I think this could be my favourite stop on your trip so far. The food looks and sounds great, the buildings are stunning, and what wonderful photos of the evening and the snow...

  2. AGH! Sapporo just got even better!!!! I think you might have to be serving lots of that beer at a certain event!
